Friday, January 2, 2009

Spathiphyllum - my "peace lily"

I managed to find several pots of these wonderful plants at our local Home Depot. One house where I’ve lived in Hawai`i had an entire bank of them by the front door. I became enamored with seeing these growing so beautifully outside. I’d only known them as a hardy houseplant before moving to Hawai`i.

Since that time, I have read they can make an excellent ground cover in tropical landscapes. I think my yard qualifies!

My particular variety is the Spathiphyllum hybrid cultivar Double Take. I’m anxious to see how quickly it will fill in around the bottom of my ti plants.

I love the fact that the plant is called “peace lily,” also. In this time of economic stress and war, we need “peace” wherever we can find it!

A hui hou! (I’ll see you later)

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Anonymous said...

That's about the only houseplant I've never killed! My father-in-law is also attempting to transform a lava landscape into a tropical garden, on Maui. That's really hard work you are up to there! Mahalo for this interesting post and happy new year!

Anonymous said...

Do these plants eventually bloom? When my mother died in 1991, I planted her amaryllis in our front yard - Tucson - and, to our surprise, it's been blooming every year.
(I don't know the difference between open ID, name/url) Which do I use?