Monday, January 5, 2009


In honor of my 50th post, I have switched to my own domain and website!

I hope you noticed my occasional sign-off as “Lava Lily.” The reason?? My brother has been helping me set up my new site with my own domain. We made it so people could remember it. “Lava to Lilikoi,” the full name of my blog, is a bit much for people who are not accustomed to Hawai`ian talk!

Check out for the 2009 unveiling!

This site on Blogger will remain up so you can read through the archived posts, although they will be on as well.

By the way, you will find all sorts of other fascinating topics in the new “Lava Lily” site. Check out my “personal” page to find out what I enjoy beyond gardening. Also, check out my professional page to see what I do in my “real” life.

PLEASE NOTE: If you normally receive this blog via FeedBlitz or RSS Reader, you will need to re-subscribe to the new address. Please continue to enjoy the saga of lava gardening!

A hui ho! (See you later!)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

An Art Filled Thanksgiving

Most mornings, I take time to read a few pages from motivational books. Just this morning the topic was making every day a day of Thanksgiving – not about only the big spectacular events that happen to us in life, but the fact that I had a bed to sleep in last night, that there are items to make my life better, that I have senses to enrich my life.

It is in that spirit that I bring you this post, even though Thanksgiving Day is more than five weeks past. Giving thanks for our wonderful blessings and relationships is not only a good way to greet each day, but to start out a new year.

For the past two years, I have had the enjoyment of sharing Thanksgiving dinner with friends in the home of an older gentleman who retired here in Ocean View. He and his late wife came here a number of years ago and started creating their special place on four bare acres. Now it is a place of beauty, and gives me great hope for doing the same on my acre of lava.

Water lilies seem to do well here. I see them in other gardens, too.

I had forgotten about Morea Iris until I saw his. I may try to plant this in my yard. I used to grow bunches of it when I lived in California. It is also called “Fortnight Lily” because it blooms every fortnight (that’s two weeks, in case you forgot).

There is a beautiful fountain in the courtyard entry to his home.

There was no water flowing because of the children who were also guests.

Nothing could phase the beautiful sleeping Siamese. He wasn’t exactly a good “watch dog” or even an “attack cat.”

There are quite a few bananas being propagated and protected.

Around every corner of the house is a path leading to another spot of beauty.

Here is another spot with one of my favorite plants.

It seems like creating a dry stream bed is the thing to do here, where we don’t get much rain to create a wet stream.

What they created outside is beautiful, but that isn’t what attracted me most. They were able to travel all over the world in their respective professions. The inside of their home reflects their love of art and the unique.

Take a glance down the hallway at the beautiful art work. Each room and corner inside the house is a treasure, just as it is outside.

And oh, the books! If you know how much I love books, you’ll know why I appreciate these, along with more artwork. I like to books that are not “arranged” but are obviously read and loved.

Each week, several friends gather in his home to perform classical music for their personal pleasure.

I can’t begin to explain all the many nooks and crannies both inside and outside of their lovely home. With a full tummy and the joy of good fellowship with friends, I left through this entrance to their estate.

There are too many things to see and do in life, and not enough time to do it all, but this lovely man and his wife seem to have done their best to get it all in.

Aloha, and mahalo for including me in your Day of Thanksgiving!

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Saturday, January 3, 2009


Although I am not from the South, my father was born and raised in Mississippi –truly a Southern gentleman. When it came time for me to go to college, I chose to go to Millsaps College in Jackson, Mississippi. I married and had my first two children in that city.

Everyone knew the old Black man who walked the streets of Jackson calling out, “Goobers! Get your fresh goobers!” That’s the name people in the South give to peanuts - “goobers” - and that’s what I had grown up calling them, too.

But that isn’t my earliest memory of “goobers.” As a child, anytime we went to visit my father’s family in Mississippi, we had goobers. I remember my Grandpa Jones pulling them up out in his front yard and hanging them somewhere to dry. I learned to love peanuts in all ways – raw, boiled, salted in the shell, roasted.

One of the first things to go in my new patio was a section for fresh peanuts. Above you can see the sweet little plants as they were starting to grow.

Here is a picture of the first crop out of the ground.

And of course, who hasn’t heard about George Washington Carver and his many ways of using peanuts?

Such a delicious and versatile legume!

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Friday, January 2, 2009

Spathiphyllum - my "peace lily"

I managed to find several pots of these wonderful plants at our local Home Depot. One house where I’ve lived in Hawai`i had an entire bank of them by the front door. I became enamored with seeing these growing so beautifully outside. I’d only known them as a hardy houseplant before moving to Hawai`i.

Since that time, I have read they can make an excellent ground cover in tropical landscapes. I think my yard qualifies!

My particular variety is the Spathiphyllum hybrid cultivar Double Take. I’m anxious to see how quickly it will fill in around the bottom of my ti plants.

I love the fact that the plant is called “peace lily,” also. In this time of economic stress and war, we need “peace” wherever we can find it!

A hui hou! (I’ll see you later)

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Thursday, January 1, 2009

Hau`oli Makahiki Hou! Happy New Year!

Didn’t we just celebrate a new 2008?

Since I have committed myself to writing a short blog each of the next thirty days on the topic of “change,” this is a good way to begin. I will spend those days looking back at all the changes that have taken place since this time last year, not only in my garden, but in my life and in the world.

I tend to set very energetic goals, but I doubt if I’m alone in that. I did reach some of my goals this past year, and I'm pleased with that. The ones I didn't reach may need to be revised in order to make them more attainable. Yet how many of us have reached every single goal we set at the beginning of last year?

It is time now to look toward 2009 and make plans. I’d love to hear what my readers have in mind. We will all get ideas.

Hau`oli Makahiki Hou!
Happy New Year!

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